In light monsoonal rain, a lone pedestrian is seen from a high viewpoint, crossing a zebra crossing with a yellow grid box junction to his right in Central Hong Kong on the last day of British rule. The junction is empty and without any traffic but the word 'Look' is stencilled in white letters for the benefit of unwary pedestrians. An umbrella used by the unrecognisable person is a colour match with the painted striped road markings, identical to the British highway traffic code. The transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), often referred to as "The Handover" occurred at midnight on June 30, 1997, signifying the end of British rule, and the transfer of legal and financial authority back to China. Hong Kong was once known as 'fragrant harbour' (or Heung Keung) because of the smell of transported sandal wood.